Feeding Program

Disclaimer: Feeding program credits Bran Marion clients and customers-this is not possible if not because of your support.

...As part of our "payback" "pay it forward" cause, through Bran Marion Nautical Bracelets' clients and customers, we were able to fed nearly 100 malnourished and non-readers students of LSNHS.
Feeding Program
This 2020, we are privileged to be part of the feeding program of LSNHS. This feeding is one of the school's initiative to resolve or lessen the increasing number of non-readers and the frustration level reading skill of Grade 7 enrollees.
We are still lacking reading materials, cassette tape recorders lapel, microphones, computers/tablets as Bran Marion as of now is only able to support the Feeding.
Feeding program bran marion bracelets
We would like to thank all our clients and friends for, if not because of you, we will not be able to reach these in need. 
Feeding these malnourished and non readers is part of the ARAJEN Project (Acquiring Resources & asking assistance thru a joint effort of NGO's, Alumni, Teachers, PTA & SGC for the Reading clinic & Learning equipments of Lake Sebunian Children).
More updates with regards to the project's summary will be posted on our blog soon.
We had the courtesy meeting with the LSNHS principal, plans were made and by God's grace, it will all be materialised to continously support this project.
Lake Sebu National Highschool
For those alumni who are willing to help, please contact me or the LSNHS directly. God bless your giving  hearts ♥
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver
Araceli Calixton